Personalized Wellness

Empowering individuals to experience transformative change.

Overview of Services

Nutritional Therapy

Nutritional Therapy is a highly individualized approach of learning to eat a nutrient dense diet in a way that supports balance throughout your body. The focus is on foundations including a whole food diet, digestion, blood sugar regulation, fatty acids, mineral balance and hydration. After a comprehensive nutritional assessment, you and your practitioner will work 1:1 to develop a plan to help you work towards your health goals.

Pantry Clean Out

With all of the choices on grocery store shelves these days, it often feels impossible to know what foods actually support your health. It is hard to read many of the ingredients in the foods on our shelves, much less actually know what they are. Let us come visit your pantry and we will help you with a pantry clean out. You choose the option of a slow phasing out of foods over time or a complete overhaul. This service is offered for existing clients.

Functional Testing

We believe that collecting data is important in our work with our clients.

Many of our packages include a variety of testing so that we are able to “test, not guess” when it comes to making decisions about clients’ wellness. Some of the tests we use are: GI-Map (stool microbiome testing), Food Allergy and Sensitivity Testing, Continuous Glucose Monitoring, DUTCH hormone testing, Metabolomix, and Adrenocortex (Cortisol) testing. We are continuing to learn and adding useful tests to our practice.

Group Classes

We offer the Restart® group program several times annually. In this program, you and other group members will participate in a real food sugar detox over the course of six weeks. This course is designed to give you a a foundational education in digestion, blood sugar, and fatty acids. This education will help you choose and prepare foods that nourish and bring balance to your body.

Rediscover the Grocery Store

Have you ever stood in an aisle at the grocery store feeling completely confused while reading ingredients in a food? Or maybe it hasn’t occurred to you to read the ingredient lists on food packages. Either way, we have been there and understand. We are ready to meet you at your favorite grocery store in town and show you how to navigate the store and make choices on foods that support your health and overall balance in your body. This service is offered for existing clients.

Supplement guidance

While we firmly believe that balance in the body must include a nutrient-dense, whole food, unprocessed diet, we also realize that supplements can play a large role in supporting our clients towards wellness and balance. We do make supplement recommendations to our clients. Any supplements we recommend are high-quality, third party tested supplements.


What our clients are saying:

Cornerstone Integrative Wellness website disclaimer

Information on this website is provided for general education purposes only. The information on this website should not be a substitute for medical advice from your general practitioner or other healthcare providers. Please communicate with your general practitioner and healthcare team before making any nutritional protocol or supplement changes. Nutritional Therapy is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any health problem or disease. The practitioners at Cornerstone Integrative Wellness cannot be held responsible for any negative results if you make healthcare changes based on information from this website. If you have medical concerns or believe you have a medical problem, please consult your general practitioner and/or healthcare team immediately.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.