Cornerstones of Wellness

  • This is our base package and is ideal for any client who is interested in learning more about incorporating a whole foods first approach to eating. It also would be ideal for anyone who would like to augment their current medical care with nutritional and lifestyle habits that reflect their health goals.

  • Four months of work together (five total meetings) on the foundations of nutrition (whole foods nutrient dense diet, digestion, blood sugar regulation, fatty acids, mineral balance and hydration).

    Option for meeting bi-monthly depending on desired level of support.

    Comprehensive nutritional assessments and review of these assessments with your practitioner with a bio-individualized plan based on your health goals.

    Monthly support and recommendations meetings.

    Complimentary 15 minute check-in via phone every other week.

  • All of our packages include unlimited access to your practitioner through our HIPAA compliant client portal.

    You will also enjoy 10% off all supplements ordered through Fullscript.

    At the completion of your package, you will be able to access a la carte options such as pantry cleanout, rediscover the grocery store, and ongoing individual wellness visits or you choose to join our Cornerstone Community with an annual subscription at a reduced rate.