We are integrative wellness practitioners who strive to hear your concerns and meet your needs.


Q: What is nutritional therapy?

A: Nutritional Therapy is an approach to wellness that utilizes three key components. The first element is that we believe that whole foods, in their most natural state, are foundational to support the body. The second key concept of nutritional therapy is that there are additional foundations of wellness that include proper digestion, adequate hydration, fatty acid balance, mineral and vitamin support, and blood sugar regulation that are all in their own ways cornerstone supports to wellness and are addressed in a client’s protocol development. Finally, nutritional therapy is bio-individualized and not a one-size-fits-all approach, meaning that the work we do with you is specific to the symptoms and concerns that you are experiencing.

Q: What are the benefits of enrolling in a wellness package?

A: Wellness packages are truly the hallmark of our work and are a direct reflection of the time and effort that it takes to examine a client from a whole-body perspective. The work we will do together will focus on creating health goals around your concerns and symptoms and will have a basis in the foundations of nutritional therapy. This work is deliberate, progressive, and reflective of the mind-body reset that occurs in our time together.

Q: Does your practice replace my primary care doctor?

A: No, we do not replace your primary care or other medical practitioner. Our intention is to come alongside you to support any symptoms or diagnoses you may be currently treated for with your doctor. We will support you primarily with food and lifestyle coaching. We encourage you to share our work together with your physicians and other practitioners as we consider your health to require a true “team mentality” approach.

Q: Do you run labs or bloodwork?

A: At this time, we do not run labs or bloodwork in our office. However, we DO have the ability to order labs for you to have drawn at your closest LabCorp; interpretation of these labs are done based on functional/optimal ranges, not the particular lab ranges. If you decide to pursue microbiome testing or food sensitivity testing, you will be given the tests and instructions on how to collect samples for these tests through 3rd party testing sites. We also have access to other functional tests (like Adrenocortex, DUTCH and Metabolomix) that we use with clients depending on their individual needs.

Q: Can we meet virtually?

A: Yes, we have both in-person and virtual visits available to meet your personal needs. Our preference is to meet in-person and we do require that the first two meetings are in-person as we get to know you and share your first set of recommendations.

Q: Do you see out-of-state clients?

A: No, we see clients who live in South Carolina.

Q: Can I schedule an a-la-carte option without a package?

A: Our a-la-carte options are available to clients who have completed a package and would like to extend our time working together.

Q: Is this a quick-fix diet or fitness group?

A: Cornerstone Integrative Wellness is not a fad diet, quick-fix, “silver bullet,” fitness group, or supplement-only approach to wellness. In fact, our work embodies the opposite of these current trends. Instead, we focus on ways to support your body through whole foods and lifestyle changes that work through the root-causes of your own current health situation. We truly get to know YOU as a person through our interviews and comprehensive intake paperwork. Our goals for our clients are implementing long-lasting changes and cultivating a renewed mindset that we can support our bodies in various ways that do not include extreme diets or extreme fitness solutions. The education we provide is timeless and will not change with the changing fads of diet culture.

Q: Do you offer group classes?

A: We do offer group classes several times a year through our Restart® program. This program is covered in more detail on our Services page and is a great option if you are interested in learning the foundations of Nutritional Therapy and participating in an inflammation-reducing sugar detox as you begin your personal wellness journey.

Q: Do you see children?

A: No, at this time we do not see children or clients under the age of 15. We believe that nutritional education for children starts with the adults in their lives who care for and provide for them. We do believe that if you choose to work with us, the education about the foundations of nutrition that you receive and the changes you implement for yourself will have a positive impact on your entire family!

Let us help you find care that's right for you.

Cornerstone Integrative Wellness website disclaimer

Information on this website is provided for general education purposes only. The information on this website should not be a substitute for medical advice from your general practitioner or other healthcare providers. Please communicate with your general practitioner and healthcare team before making any nutritional protocol or supplement changes. Nutritional Therapy is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any health problem or disease. The practitioners at Cornerstone Integrative Wellness cannot be held responsible for any negative results if you make healthcare changes based on information from this website. If you have medical concerns or believe you have a medical problem, please consult your general practitioner and/or healthcare team immediately.