What is Nutritional Therapy?

What is Nutritional Therapy?

Nutritional Therapy is a form of holistic nutrition practice that is focused on the belief that every person’s body is different and each one has different nutritional needs. Nutritional Therapy Practitioners believe that health can be achieved through sustainable diet and lifestyle shifts to support an individual’s body.  Nutritional Therapy is based on six foundations:

·      a whole foods nutrient-dense diet

·      digestion

·      blood sugar regulation

·      fatty acids

·      mineral balance

·      hydration

What does a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner do?

When working with a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP), the client is viewed through a holistic lens. No body system operates alone; all systems work together and have impact on one another. NTPs support the body’s innate ability to balance and heal by promoting a nutrient-dense diet and by assessing and addressing potential deficiencies in the body. Through a robust system of intake paperwork and client interviews, an NTP gathers a full picture of what a client’s lifestyle and diet is like, what his/her concerns are and what health goals he/she would like to work on. Taking all of that into consideration, an NTP writes personalized recommendations for the client and walks him/her through implementing these recommendations over time. The recommendations may shift as the client’s needs change, but the NTP is always there for guidance, support and education. NTPs can assist with meal planning and recipes. They can also recommend high-quality supplements to clients. NTPs do make referrals to doctors and other allied practitioners (chiropractors, psychologists, therapists, acupuncturists, etc) as they see fit for a client when something may arise that is out of the scope of practice for a NTP.

What does a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner NOT do?

NTPs are not licensed to practice medicine (unless they are also a licensed medical provider). NTPs do not diagnose, treat, or cure diseases. Nutritional Therapy should never be taken as medical advice and clients should always consult their medical providers when taking on diet and lifestyle changes.

For more information, please see the Nutritional Therapy Association’s handout in the following link titled “What is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP)?”



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