Ansley Westbrook, NTP, AIP Certified Coach, RESTART® Instructor

My name is Ansley Westbrook.

My passion is helping people put together the missing pieces of their health puzzles through personalized nutritional therapy so that they can feel energized and present in their lives.

A bit of background about me:

I was born and raised in South Carolina and I am grateful to call this wonderful state my home. I am a mother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, colleague, and friend. I am a holistic nutrition professional certified by the Nutritional Therapy Association.

I went to Columbia College where I earned my BA in Education. I then went to the University of South Carolina where I earned my M.Ed. in Language and Literacy. I taught elementary school in Beaufort County during my teaching career. My love for education and teaching others translates nicely into my current professional work as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner where education and research are two things I do regularly.

After the birth of our first child, we decided that it would be most beneficial for our family for me to stay home. Fast forward twelve years and two more children, I discovered in that time that my professional passions changed as I dealt with my own nagging health issues. I could not seem to put the pieces together to figure out why I did not feel myself. Conventional medicine kept telling me everything was “normal” when I knew that what I felt was far from my normal. After years of changing my own diet and lifestyle, researching on my own, listening to podcasts, having conversations and reading books about how nutrition and lifestyle affect our health, I decided to enroll in the Nutritional Therapy Practitioner program. It was an eye-opening, educational, and inspiring experience for which I am so thankful! I continue to work on my health and seek answers; I am a work-in-progress alongside of my clients.

My desire in working with clients is to meet you where you are and to help you walk forward towards meeting your health goals. I believe you are a whole being: body, mind, and spirit. I believe your body’s systems work together and impact one another. I believe that you have your own bioindividual needs; what works for one person may not work for you. I believe that food has the ability to nourish and support balance throughout your body. I am an educator, researcher, and a supporter throughout our work together. I believe that YOU are the expert in your own body and you know what your best health can feel like; I will help you get there. I thoroughly enjoy the discovery process of reviewing a client’s paperwork, identifying areas of needed support and digging in to see how we can work together to make sustainable nutrition and lifestyle shifts that support your body for the rest of your life.

A couple of my favorite nutrition and lifestyle related quotes:

-”Food is not just calories, it is information. It talks to your DNA and tells it what to do. The most powerful tool to change your health, environment and entire world is your fork.” -Dr. Mark Hyman

- “We’ve lost sight of what we really need to be healthy and happy: real, nutrient-dense food. The kind of food that balances the body and mind. The kind of food that has been nourishing humans for thousands of years. We don’t need more dogma or another diet plan. We need nutrition.” -Liz Wolfe, Eat the Yolks

Let’s work together to reach your health goals!
